Thursday 18 February 2010

Celebrities , Webrities and whatevers in between

I know I haven't written an entry in a while, so forgive me for that one. I'll try to be more up to date.

Today, I wanted to talk a little about celebrities, webrities and all in between.
Lately I've been hearing a lot about this new thing called 'webrities', which I think can sometimes be overrated. The good thing about celebrity actors is, they had an audition!! Someone had to like them in order for people to know them. They let any idiot off the street become a webritie, which I think is just plain stupid. I mean, some people out there are better than the real deal don't get me wrong, but two sisters singing in a high pitched voice and singing like dead cows(even though that may be offensive to all dead cows out there) is NOT star worthy!! When will some people realize that declaring themselves 'awesome' 'too good to be true' 'the best' will not really make them so! I guess it's better since they don't get V.I.P access to 'DRUGS 'R' US' around the clock but I think some talent should be involved in the process of making real quality laughter, tears or joy at any form. So yes, most of them really have gotten high on glue and hair dye fumes, but they all have the right to express themselves on the other hand. I learned the hard way that I can't criticize what I can't do any better. So if they post their abominations online, just don't think you’re a lot better than regular people.
I've seen that. I see it everyday. ALL THE TIME!
And about the other guys, CELEBRITIES. I'd suggest they come off of that high mighty tree their on. Fans are people too!

I guess that is all I have left to say. See you later-